National Adoption Week 2017: Meet the Adopters Drop-In (Merton)
This event is led by adopters who have given up their time to come and tell you about their adoption experiences – the good, the bad and the ugly. Each adopter will speak for up to 20 mins. They will provide you with real insight into what you can expect on your adoption journey and social workers will be available to help answer your questions.
We believe in total transparency and want to attract prospective adopters who have the right skill set, to start their journey with us with their eyes wide open.
Despite being a drop in, booking is essential for this event and full information about the location will be given when you book on.
If you would like to attend this National Adoption Week 2017 ‘One Off’ event, please contact us and specify which hour you will arrive – 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm or 7pm, however you are welcome to stay and listen to as many adopters as you have time for.
To book call us on 0300 123 8085 or email