Parenting Skills: NVR Training
Delivered by Rachael Alymer of PartnershipProjects UK
Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) is an innovative approach towards helping adults to cope with violence, aggression and self-destructive behaviours from children and adolescents. NVR is highly effective even (perhaps especially) when the young person does not wish to cooperate in the process – it is endorsed by the Adoption Support Fund as ‘therapeutic parenting training’ (contact your post adoption support worker for details on accessing ASF funding).
NVR will teach you techniques to resist harmful behaviours, to start to repair relationship damage and begin to establish a strong, fair, respected and supported position of authority as a parent. These workshops will provide a thorough introduction to the philosophy of NVR and its core methods. Of particular relevance to some adopters, we will explore the trauma-focussed ways of working with NVR, developed by Peter Jakob here in the UK. Case examples and experiential exercises will bring the approach to life.
Training schedule
Thursday 31st March & Friday 1st April (Days 1 and 2) 9.30 – 4.30
Thursday 28th April & Friday 29th April (Days 3 and 4) 9.30 – 4.30
Address: Far Cotton Rec Centre, Towcester Road, Delapre, Northampton, NN4 8LG
Cost: £220 per candidate (Includes lunch and Refreshments)
To book your place contact Penny Willis on 07709 289513 or