Adopt Thames Valley Online Information Session

If you want to discover how you can transform a child’s life through adoption, Adopt Thames Valley holds a regular programme of virtual information sessions throughout the year. At these you can find out what adoption involves today, learn more about the training and support we offer to adoptive families, and have the chance to ask questions. You will also hear from one of our adopters about their experience.

The sessions are held at a variety of times during the week and also on some Saturday mornings.

Why not come and meet our friendly team, and discover if now is the right time for you to start your adoption journey? Call 0800 731 0171 or email to book your place.

Please note: Adopt Thames Valley welcomes enquirers from Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Wiltshire, or those who live within one hour’s travelling time of one of our centres in Oxford, Reading and Swindon.

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