PACT Adoption Drop-In (Brighton)

Our adoption drop in sessions are an informal opportunity to find out about PACT (an Ofsted-rated outstanding adoption agency) and the adoption process. There is no need to book and you will be able to talk with one of our team adopter champions who can answer any questions you may have. You will also be able to read a range of useful literature and watch PACT’s videos on adoption and find out more.

If there are a number of issues you would like to discuss you may want to book a one-to-one with a PACT social worker. To book a 30min or hour long slot please contact PACT’s enquiries team on 0300 456 4800 (lines are open 10am-3pm Monday to Friday). You can also email (please note a one-to-one is only available at drop in sessions).

We look forward to meeting you.

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