Richmond Information Event
Are you thinking about adoption? Why not find out more at one of our adoption information meetings.
These information meetings are aimed at anyone who is interested in finding out more about adoption. At these events we aim to:
- Explain more about what you can expect from Stage One of the adoption assessment process.
- Give you guidance on suggested reading.
- Explain what the Prospective Adopter’s Report (PAR) involves.
- Outline the process of going to the adoption panel for approval, being matched with a child and having a child placed with you.
- Explain what contact with birth families involves and our adoption support services.
- Provide you with an opportunity to hear about adoption from adoptive parents.
- Explain why children become looked after, and provide you with information about children who have been adopted and those currently waiting for adoptive families.
- Dispel myths and preconceptions about adoption.
Call 020 8891 7754 to confirm the venue and your attendance.